Friday, November 6, 2009

Perverse Ranting

I like Fridays, because they are so short.

However, I dislike Fridays because they are toooo short, so I am left with 12 hours of nothing to do…

My feeling for going out these evenings have come to a halt, there is really nothing to do.

Me and a coouple of friends went and at a japanese restaurant in town today, Nagano.

It was very scrumptious, we sat at a ‘no shoes’ table and had a very good time together chilling and chattin^^

I bought some new sketchbooks today cuz they had a sale at a bookstore in town, and I also baought a new nice pen ^^

I love pens, and each time I go into a bookstore I always go for the pens and try them out.

Because I am an artist, just give me a pen and paper and I will create a peice of art, or atleast sit occupied for a couple of hours just doodling for fun…

-These sketch books were funny though, dunno why they chose such a cover…?

My friend and I are considering to attend a Croqui class sometime soon, hehe!

I have always wanted to try it out, draw some hot girl but from what I have seen it is always some sort of either big hairy fat guy or a ugly skinny faghag bitch or fatass bitch…

Found this really ugly piece of girl clothes shit…

I mean seriously, I have seen worse, but this freaks me out!

Personally, I think this dress looks like one big fucked up mutant pussy!

-Does anybody agree with me?

I dont even wanto mention what I think Red SlushPuppy looks like…okay, what the fuck…It totally looks like mangled and mushed up pussy…

Im not that sick but I can imagine thats what it looks like, along with a fuck load of blood…

-Lucky Red SlushPuppy tastes wonderful!

This picture was taken over a year ago in Gothenburg, I actually miss that place now still.

I was out this night with my friend Inzy, and Stockholm really is booring, if you are not going to go somewhere whether it be the cinema or a club, there is really nothing to do…Just a load of boring streets.

In Gothenburg there are long lanes and stuff, a nice waterfront and also Liseberg very locally…

I cant help myself to think about witch bitch over there though…she still ruins that nice town for me :/


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