Friday, January 29, 2010

New article will be posted shortly...

The Art of Oral Sex…

Tips for both men and women….

Gay, straight, bi-sexual, transgender…

We’re all sexual beings…

But I couldn’t leave this post without a picture to keep you entertained…




I wrote this a little while ago.  Had to let it sit a bit.

There was a moment when the sun peeked through today. The streams of light through the clouds bounced off the particles of floating drops of moisture in the air. They were thin, cool, veils of tiny misty water beads reincarnated from snowflakes shifting through the air, and once in a while, one or two would land on my face. They would leave their tiny, cold footprints here on the lid of my left eye, or there above my brow, and then again here on my lower lip (while I walked along, listening to this).

The mood of this photo is similar to my picture, except I am not looking into the camera like she is. Plus I look a bit more like the girl below...

My pussy pulsated with the rhythm of my heartbeat from the memory of his fingers, his cock, and his mouth. I felt like the way I looked in that photograph; like I was floating with one of those particles, being swept at the will of the wind, beaming in the sun… reflecting momentarily, briefly enough to shine in the light, and then, disappearing among the millions of other particles.

I’d given the prof a self-portrait: a photograph of my face taken by a regular film SLR at the beach. The reflector I was holding shows at the bottom right corner. It’s probably my favorite photo of myself. Slightly grainy, it looks like an eau-de-toilet advertisement. As I look at something to the back left of the lens, the camera captures a moment of ease, with my hair swept by the beach breeze beautifully and gently across my face and my right hand reaches across my chest to keep a few strands at bay. It’s the perfect, effortless, look-beautiful-but-not-trying-hard-to-look-it moment. I also like it because I think I look like I have real thoughts going on behind that face.

When the prof was spooning me between moments of dozing off, he told me that he liked the photograph. “I’m glad.” I said. I haven’t been sleeping well.

A look alike, though I have bigger boobs and no bangs.

Being in his bed made me want to sleep. The hair on his lower abdomen tickled my buttocks, but I didn’t want to shift and disturb his smooth breathing. I could hear them, his breath, his moment of peace.

30 minutes before that, he was hard, and hard at work, getting me off. The inside of my elbow still wears the mark of the belt he used to tie me down. I’m still pulsing at the memory of sounds I made when he went deep. He doesn’t talk much but I like it. I wanted to push.

–I want to ask you something

I said. His rhythm changed slightly. I was on my stomach, he was on top of me and he shifted his weight to move his ear closer to my mouth.

–Ask me what?

–I want you to give me permission to fuck other cocks.

Pause. He was surprised. I’d never brought this up before. I was taking a chance, because he has a possessive streak in him. Sleep with other girls, okay. But not boys.

–Why would I do that?

He said, gruffly, challenging me.

–Because I want it and I crave it. I want you to own my pussy.

I want you to own me, is what I wanted to say. I want my body to belong to you and I want you to tell me no, or yes.

He said nothing. He kept fucking me, but he was thinking about what I said.

When he had me on my back, limbs pinned, and spread, his cock moving smoothly and deeply in my ass, my mind said – look at me. I’d never seen him look at me for so long. Open, unblinking, penetrating eyes. I stared back. No challenge, no fear, no questions. The auroral light began to penetrate through the thick blinds, hitting his face. His eyes were clear and beautifully reflective. If I looked harder, I might have seen my reflection in them, but from moment to moment, I would close my eyes briefly to sink the small of my back deeper into the mattress to take more of him in.

In post coital moments, we talked.

–I think it’s interesting that I bring out this desire to fuck other boys.

His eyes were closed.

–Or is that always there?

–It’s kind of always been there. I just don’t act on it much.

I looked at the ceiling. That much was true. Though I’m not sure if I am doing a Clinton as far as the experience with Benjamin goes. I don’t know if being fondled, roughly, in an underground parking lot counts. The thing about having good cock is that the more good cock you have, the more good cock you want, and the more good cock you want… So it is true that he does bring out the desire to fuck other boys. Though, it’s probably more like the desire to fuck other boys exactly like him.

–I want you to own my pussy… tell me what I can and cannot do with it.

I took a deep breath, repeating what I’d said earlier without him inside me embarrassed me a little.

–It’s your pussy, you can do with it what you want.

–Well I sure hope so. But that’s not the point. What you mean is that you don’t want the responsibility.

–It’s inappropriate.

–What does appropriate have to do with it?

I rolled away from him and on to my stomach. We do all sorts of inappropriate things, I thought.

–Tell me you don’t want me to fuck other boys.

–Well, I don’t want you to fuck other boys. It’d make me sad. And I don’t know why.

Intimacy. It cuts to the marrow.  No knife could make that sort of briery deliverance.

I wrapped my arms around him and he breathed into my chest.

–I’m afraid to get too attached to you.

–What are you going to do about that? He said so quietly I almost didn’t hear him.

–What? Nothing. I think it’s too late.

I rolled off the bed and went to hide in the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.


** I have never really had a big jealousy streak. But God fucking help me.  The prof’s girlfriend, the one who he just broke up with is staying with him.  And when he was with her before, lying, cheating, I had no issues.  And now, they are breaking up/broken up – and she is there, he said this:

me: how’s drama?

d: it’s ok guess

happier when tess is around

which is problematic

me: thought she had apartment?

d: she has it

remodeling, not open another week


me: not that annoying if you are happy w her there

so it’s good

d: not so much

dunno what to do



me: funny

if you’re happier

then stay happy

seems simple enough

d: short term

me: life is short

d: if we were together all the stuff would happen all over again

me: maybe 2nd time

older wiser

could work

but there aren’t any rulebooks for this shit

d: past = future

is one

I was fuming.  I was breathing hard.  And by the time I shut my laptop, I was hyperventilating.  I tried to dissolve the hyperventilation by ventilating my lungs some more on a brisk walk.   It didn’t help.  I almost passed out on the street.  Is this what love feels like?  I haven’t felt this before.  Is it supposed to hurt?  Maybe all the dodging I have been doing to avoid simply this was worth it.  All the books and movies point to some grandiose gesture.  Some ethereal, apotheosis that lifts us above our earthly selves. But this doesn’t make me float or jump.  This makes me stutter and fall on my face.


Monday, January 25, 2010

Pussy 1/25/10


Friday, January 22, 2010

New update 22nd Jan: Leather gloved cops 1/2

Officers Lucy and Frankie arrive at the mansion.

They have strict orders to bust the criminal living here…

Both babes are looking very hot in their new police uniforms, heels and black leather gloves.

After some snooping around, it is clear the guy is not home so they might as well wait.

But waiting means… having some fun with eachother.

Lucy and Frankie just love their gloves and love to tease eachother with them.

Hot busty cops getting raunchy with gloves on…what can you want more?!

View HD video here:


A Supreme Victory for Special Interests

John Dean

By John Dean

The conservative majority of the U.S. Supreme Court has given a monumental victory to special interests—i.e., the big money corporations, the folks who already dominate Washington politics—with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. Chief Justice John Roberts, along with Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Anthony Kennedy (who wrote the court’s opinion), have gone out of their way to further obliterate serious efforts to reform out-of-control campaign spending—spending that conspicuously distorts democracy in favor of those who can buy political influence. This ruling is of the same judical activism ilk that produced Bush v. Gore, not to mention the ensuing eight years of a disastrous Bush/Cheney presidency from which the nation has yet to recover. Understandably, President Obama is flummoxed.

This decision is long, at 183 pages. It includes a powerful dissent by the four centrist justices (there are no liberals on this court). And the ruling is chock full of nuanced information that spells out what Congress can and cannot do to reform our dysfunctional and money-hungry election system. This is not a ruling that lends itself to instant analysis. Those who follow this subject far closer than I do will be figuring it out for days, if not months. However, I would recommend the following sites for a quick take on the ruling: Slate(good overview), SCOTUSBLOG(which has followed the case closely), and, in particular, The Brennan Center(which filed an amicus brief in the case and will be leading the way in sorting out the full meaning). To understand what the court majority did, scroll down to about Page 88 of your .pdf reader and read the dissent written by Justice John Paul Stevens, and joined by Justices Ruth Ginsburg, Steven Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor. It is an eye-opener.

Aside from the fact that the majority ruling reeks of conservative politics, what I find most striking about conservative judicial activism typified by this ruling is the fact that the justices involved are totally out of touch with reality. None of the men involved in this historic decision have been elected to anything, ever. They have no idea how difficult it is for elected officials to deal in the contemporary money-flooded milieu of Washington. The work experience of those who have further opened the floodgates for money in politics is restricted to the executive branch, high-priced law firms, or the chambers of the lower federal appellate courts. Not since the late Justice Hugo Black, a former U.S. senator who retired in 1971, has the court had a member of Congress on its bench, someone who can explain the real world to the other justices. These conservative justices live in a bubble, and they have little true understanding of what they have done, other than, of course, to know that they have taken care of conservatives, the so-called Citizens Unitedwho filed this lawsuit. (Yes, David N. Bossie, the president of Citizens United, is the same fellow who worked overtime to impeach President Bill Clinton.)

After I fully digest this decision and speak with friends in Washington who have long been concerned that the Bush/Cheney legacy that now controls the high court might do as they have in fact done, I will share further thoughts about the damage this ruling will bring, and what can and will be done. For this ruling has the potential of being even more pernicious than Bush v. Gore, since it reaches not merely the presidency but every elective office in the United States. Conservatives may not know how to govern when they are in power, but they sure know how to make certain that centrists, progressives and liberals are not given a sustained opportunity to work their will.

John Dean served as Richard M. Nixon’s White House lawyer for 1,000 days and is the author of several books, including “Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush” and ” Conservatives Without Conscience.”

Link to original article:


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Carie Gaping Teen Pussy

#gallery-2 { margin: auto; } #gallery-2 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-2 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-2 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; }

Carie fucks herself with a huge red Dildo and shows her gaping teen pussy in close up. By Simonscans


Monday, January 18, 2010

Wives enjoy each other while guys watch sports

From Carynn:

Marcia is my next-door neighbor. She and her husband have been friends with my husband and me since they moved in next to us several years ago.

The guys enjoy getting together to watch ballgames, baseball, football, basketball, whatever. Neither of us likes sports, so when the guys watch a game at one house, Marcia and I have a “girls time together” at the other house.

At first we did different things, chat, play cards, whatever came to mind. Then one day things changed. We were chatting about our days as teenagers and things we did then. We didn’t know each other back then, but it turned out we did similar things. We laughed as we reminisced.

Well, the topic of sleepovers came up. I told Marcia that the ones I went to always ended up with some girly sex play, kissing, feeling each other up, that kind of thing. Marcia said hers did too, she guessed most girls did that sort of stuff.

I said something about wouldn’t that be fun to do again, and Marcia leaned over and kissed me. Well, I reacted automatically, returning her kiss energetically, and our tongues began to play with each other. Our hands began exploring each other’s body.

When we stopped for a breath, Marcia suggested we go to the bedroom. We did, and we had the most wonderful sexual experience. We were both a bit rusty because we hadn’t been with a woman for awhile, but it came back naturally. We kissed and sucked each other’s breasts and licked each other’s pussy … it was wonderful.

Now we are glad when the guys have a game to watch. We know we’ll have 2-3 hours of girl-girl sex, and it’s great!


Friday, January 1, 2010

Pussy 1/1/10
